
PolyBar themed with i3wm

Rice Info:

Image contains: fastfetch


Follow the instruction to install the configuration

Install polybar

For Arch Linux / EndeavourOS

sudo pacman -S polybar

For Debian based system (ubuntu, kali etc)

sudo apt-get install polybar

For Fedora users

sudo dnf install polybar

Install fonts

For Arch Linux / EndeavourOS

sudo pacman -S ttf-roboto ttf-font-awesome noto-fonts ttf-firacode-nerd

Other distros Debian/Fedora

Install the fonts manally

To proceed with the installation execute the given commands in the terminal

For polybar Installation without i3 config

git clone https://github.com/Saurabh254/polybar-with-i3wm.git
cd polybar-with-i3wm
cp -R polybar ~/.config/

For polybar installation with i3 config

git clone https://github.com/Saurabh254/polybar-with-i3wm.git
cd polybar-with-i3wm
cp -R polybar ~/.config/
cp -R i3 ~/.config

Note: i3wm Keybindings are same as of Endeavour os i3wm keybinding

Now the installation is completed.

You can logout and login or reboot you pc. To get started.

Thank you :)